
Event: Watts Lecture on Evolution, Nov. 19

Watts Lecture featuring Professor Evelyn Fox Keller
Nov 19, 2009 7:00pm
Location: AC223, ARC Lecture Theatre, University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail

"In this 150th year since the publication of Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" the debate continues...

One of the most striking features of the nature-nature debate is the frequency with which in invites two apparently contradictory claims: first, that it has finally been resolved, and second, that it refuses to die. What is it about this topic that causes so much trouble? What is it that so stubbornly resists resolution?

In this talk, Professor Fox Keller will explore the many ways in which we become enmeshed by the tangle of meanings that make up the nature-nuture debate.

Professor Evelyn Fox Keller received her PhD. in theoretical physics at Harvard University, and worked for several years at the interface of physics and biology before turning to the history and philosophy of science. Professor Emerita of History and Philosophy of Science in the Program in Science, Technology and Society at MIT, Fox Keller is the author of more than 10 books (e.g., The Century of the Gene; and Making Sense of Life), and the recipient of many awards and honorary degrees. Her latest book, The Mirage of a Space between Nature and Nurture, is forthcoming.}

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