
UTSSA: Debate: Living Without the Sacred: Should John Lennon's "Imagine" Become Our Reality?

Living Without the Sacred: Should John Lennon's "Imagine" Become Our Reality?

On Tuesday April 5th TVO’s BIG IDEAS, in conjunction with Centre For Inquiry Ontario (CFI) will be co-sponsoring a debate hosted by University of Toronto Secular Alliance, between Canadian philosopher Ronald de Sousa and clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson.

The question is whether it is possible and/or desirable to imagine a culture which is not bas...ed on any conceptions of the sacred. Dr. de Sousa will speak in support of relegating all notions of the sacred to the ash heap of history as irrational and potentially harmful, and in favour of a conception of life open to critical thinking in the light of reason. On the other hand, Dr. Peterson will defend the sacred as a necessary expression of human struggle with inscrutable complexity and suffering. The debate will be moderated by UTSA's Matthew Gayford.

The event is being held at O.I.S.E. auditorium, 252 Bloor Street West. Admission is $5 general, cash at the door only, FREE for students and CFI members. Debate starts at 7 p.m. Seating begins at 6 p.m. Come early; seating will be on a first-come basis and is expected to be sold out.

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